Mifab C1000-C-R-3 Floor Cleanout with 5" Round Heavy-Duty Stainless Steel Top and Clamp Collar.
Features & Benefits:
- Stainless steel top assembly for the price of nickle bronze!
- Available in 2", 3", 4", 5", and 6" connections
- Heavy duty combined stainless steel cover and plug
- Adjustable height top assembly from 1/2" to 1-1/4"
- Vandal resistant stainless steel screws
- Neoprene primary gasket seal
- Machined integral body threads (4" [100] N.P.S.)
- "O" Ring secondary gasket seal
- Full 4" throat
- Wide anchor flange body
Product Function:
Used in finished floors to provide emergency access to the plumbing lines for removal of blockages. Replacement of the surface level cover/plug with the neoprene gasket glued to the underside provides visual evidence that the cleanout has been properly resealed to prevent harmful sewer gases from entering the building. Heavy duty, cast, Type 304 stainless steel cover and plug ensures long life.
Product Specification:
MIFAB® C1000 Series (specify top assembly design) adjustable floor cleanout with lacquered cast iron body and anchor flange, secondary “O” ring Test Seal, 4” diameter cleanout opening and heavy duty cast stainless steel scoriated combined cover and plug top assembly with stainless steel vandal proof allen key screws and primary gasket seal. (For membrane floors, add Suffix -C for membrane clamp.)
Technical Downloads:
- Mifab C1000-C-R-3: Specification Submittal
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